Setting up Worker Reminders

There is an option to have the Worker reminded about missed check-ins by an SMS alert, phone call, or by email.

To set up SMS, phone call, email reminders access the worker profile in the dashboard.

Setting up SMS Reminders

  1. Go to the Worker page and click on ‘Edit’ next to the desired worker’s name.
  2. Click on the tab ‘Check In Setup’.
  3. Under ‘SMS Reminder (every mins)’ click on the drop-down menu.
  4. Select the number of minutes you want between each message.
  5. To select how many times the SMS is sent, click on the drop-down menu underneath ‘SMS Reminder Count’.
  6. To save your changes click the blue ‘Update the Worker’ button.

Setting up Phone Call Reminders

  1. Under ‘Call Reminder (every mins)’ click on the drop-down menu.
  2. Select the number of minutes you want between each phone call.
  3. To select how many times the call is made, click on the drop-down menu underneath ‘Call Reminder Count’.
  4. To save your changes click the blue ‘Update the Worker’ button.

Setting up an Email Reminder

  1. Under ‘Email Reminder’ click on the drop-down menu.
  2. Select the number minutes after a missed check-in you would like an email sent out.
  3. An Email Reminder is only sent out once.
  4. To save your changes click the blue ‘Update the Worker’ button.

Feature Management

Check In Reminders are feature of the Comms Plan and are activated in the Feature Management settings.

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