Live Monitoring and SMS/Call Plan Explained

Live Monitoring

Sometimes worker’s shifts occur outside of standard working hours. Live monitoring ensures someone is always available if workers need assistance.

  • Live monitoring is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year
  • Completely flexible to use, turn it on when you need it, turn it off when you don’t
  • Response teams follow the escalation procedures set out by your company and call your staff in the order you set

This service is only £3/$3 per worker per month

Communciation Plan

Minimise false alarms and get handy SMS or automated phone call reminders for workers and Monitors.

The comms plan gives you access to:

  • Start shift reminders by SMS or WhatsApp, auto-phone call, or email
  • End shift reminders by SMS or WhatsApp, auto-phone call, or email
  • Check in reminders by SMS, WhatsApp, auto-phone call, or email
  • Send an SMS or email to Workers or Monitors, filter by Group or which Workers are actively on shift 
  • Alert loops – contact Monitors in sequence until someone responds
  • Out of Hours Monitoring

This service is only £3/$3 per worker per month

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