Monitor Access Levels

Within the Ok Alone System there are three levels of Monitor. The levels limit what a Monitor sees or accesses on the Ok Alone dashboard. These depend on the level of access a Monitor needs to carry out their role. Some dashboard options will not appear on the screen if the Monitor’s access level is not high enough.

Admin – Full access to the system

Non-Admin  – Limited access to the system

Extended Privacy  – Restricted access to the system to protect Worker privacy

Admin – Full access to the system

  • Full access to the entire system, including financial accounts
  • Ability to add/edit all Monitors, Workers and Settings

Non-Admin  – Limited access to the system

  • No access to financial accounts
  • Can view all Workers
  • Can only edit Workers they are assigned too
  • Can add new Workers
  • Cannot view or edit Monitors
  • Cannot add Monitors
  • Cannot change Settings
  • Can view all reports, logs, shifts and locations

Extended Privacy  – Restricted access to the system to protect Worker privacy

  • Hides all Workers not assigned to specific Monitor accessing the system
  • Cannot add any new Workers
  • Can only view actions, alerts, shifts and locations of Workers assigned to them
  • Cannot view Reports, Timesheets,
  • Cannot view Safety Awards
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