Upload/Export Shift Start and End Times

When adding Start and End times for Shift Reminders it is possible to upload a spreadsheet file (csv or excel) to enter many shifts for multiple workers at one time.

Shift Upload/Export can be found on the sidebar menu under Reports & Logs

Uploading Start and End Shifts

Using the Upload Start/End Shift Times feature allows you to easily export your shifts from your scheduling software and import it into Ok Alone, add many start/end shift times for multiple workers, and shifts may be added up to 1 year in the future.

On the Shift Upload/Export page there are two links to example spreadsheet files, one using Email as worker identifier and one using the worker’s PIN to identify them.

Email ID example sheet

In the spreadsheet there are 5 columns:

  1. Worker Email or PIN: This is used to identify the worker that the date and start/end times for the shift are being assigned to
  2. Worker Name: The name you are using for the worker, this is for your reference only, our database will draw the worker’s name that is attached to the given identifier.
  3. Shift Date: The date for the worker’s shift
  4. Shift Start Time: The start time for the worker’s shift. This can be left blank.
  5. Shift End Time: The end time for the worker’s shift. This can be left blank.

For Users with workers in different time zones: Please note that the times given in the spreadsheet will be applied to the worker for their local time zone.

Once your spreadsheet is ready, please select how you have identified the workers and if the first row is still the column headers. Then click the blue button to continue to the Upload Pop-up.
  1. Here you can either drag-and-drop your file to the box with the hashed outline or click ‘Choose File’ to directly choose the file on your computer.
  2. After the file appears in the queue to the right of the pop-up please click the ‘Upload’ button to upload the file.

If successful, the pop-up will show your list of uploaded shift start/end times for your workers.

Exporting Shift Start/End Times

A spreadsheet of the current Shift Start and End Times can be exported from this page. An excel file – .xlsx – is generated according to the chosen parameters. This file can be stored for your records, or it can be edited and re-uploaded to update your workers.
This can be useful if changing many workers’ shifts over a long period of time, or if all the workers in a chosen group need to have their shift start/end times updated together.

Important: If you choose Email as your worker identifier and a worker does not have an email assigned to them, that worker will be excluded from the exported spreadsheet.

Please choose the date range you need for the exported file, the groups you would like to filter by, and/or the worker(s) that need to be in the report, as well as the identifier you are using to mark the workers within the spreadsheet if you need to re-upload the file.

We hope that this feature will be a helpful service for our Ok Alone users.

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