WhatsApp Available for Ok Alone Notifications

Ok Alone has now incorporated WhatsApp into its lone worker system. Get monitor and worker notifications through WhatsApp when working alone. The system is available to use all over the world.

This great service means your company and you can stay in touch even when there is no network coverage, as long as there is wifi.

WhatsApp Notifications for Workers

Workers can get check in reminder notifications and update their shift status using WhatsApp – in the same way as sms.

To setup your lone worker to use WhatsApp:

  1. Login to the Dashboard and choose to edit the lone worker
  2. Scroll down to Use WhatsApp
  3. Choose Use WhatsApp + Sms or USe WhatsApp Only

WhatsApp Alerts for Monitors

Monitors can now get their lone worker alerts using WhatsApp – in the same way that they would get them via sms.

To Setup a Monitor to get WhatsApp Notifications:

  1. Login to the Dashboard and choose to edit the monitor
  2. Scroll down to Contact which is below Phone Number
  3. Check the WhatsApp box and Save
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