Man Down Settings Report

This report shows a list of workers’ current man down settings and any changes to man down settings performed in the Ok Alone app. How to View the Report Click Reports under the Reports & Logs On the Reports home …

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Safety Awards – What your score means

As of October 2022, we have updated how our Safety Awards are calculated. This is to make it clearer how the scores are calculated and to give workers better control over why their scores may rise or fall compared to …

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Worker Safety Awards Dashboard

Workers now have their own Awards Dashboard where they can see how well they are doing with lone working each month and view all their report cards and certificates. How to View the Awards Dashboard To see these, they need …

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Introducing Safety Award Certificates and Report Cards

Here at Ok Alone, we have made some improvements to the Safety Awards program introducing Report Cards and Certificates. Report Cards Report Cards are a visual way for workers to see their achievements from each month and be inspired to do better.  …

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Safety Awards, What’s In It For Me?

Well, first off and most importantly, this system could literally save your life (see Annual Party case study). Secondly the Ok Alone lone worker solution helps you stay safe and allows you to log your safe practises and compete with colleagues and …

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Safety Awards, What Does my Business Get Out of it?

In a major long-term study, companies that had the best corporate cultures, that encouraged all-around leadership initiatives and that highly appreciated their employees, customers and owners grew 682 percent in revenue.¹ During the same period of evaluation — 11 years — companies without a thriving company …

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Why Gamification Improves Engagement

In 2019 TalentLMS conducted a survey to examine how gamified elements change the state of training, productivity, motivation, and employee engagement. The following results are from a pool of 526 people who use gamification in their workplace. 89% of employees say …

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Ok Alone introduces the Lone Worker Safety Awards

Ok Alone have introduced Safety Awards, an engaging way to help workers stay safe, while using their lone worker system. It allows workers to log their safe practises and compete with colleagues and companies across the world. At the end of each month, the worker’s …

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How your Workers can become Safety Champions

Ok Alone have recently introduced their new Safety Awards program. But how do you get your employees to become Safety Champions? What is Safety Culture? Many companies talk about ‘safety culture’ when referring to the tendency of their employees to follow rules …

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How Lone Worker Safety Awards can help your Company

Safety Awards for Lone Workers

The best lone worker systems can’t help your people if they won’t use them. The outcomes of disengagement can be severe: accidents, injuries, illnesses, even loss of life.  You wouldn’t want this to happen in your workplace. Tackling the existing culture …

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