Flexible Grace Period/Alert Delays

For Man/Worker Down and High Risk Check-ins, a longer alert delay, or grace period, could potentially reduce the safety of a worker by increasing the time they wait for assistance. What are Flexible Alert Delays With Flexible Alert Delays, there …

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Action Notices

Action Notices are notifications sent to designated monitors when workers perform certain actions. Unlike urgent alerts, which indicate emergencies or critical issues, Action Notices provide updates on routine activities and status changes. Why Use Action Notices? By keeping monitors informed …

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Get an Automated SMS Status Confirmation

Workers can update their Ok Alone status by sending an SMS. This is useful if they have an older phone, or satellite phone or if there is no wifi or data for the app to use. Using SMS workers can …

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Man Down Settings Report

This report shows a list of workers’ current man down settings and any changes to man down settings performed in the Ok Alone app. How to View the Report Click Reports under the Reports & Logs On the Reports home …

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Automatically End Worker Shifts

The new Auto End Shifts feature allows for all active worker shifts to be ended at a selected time. This feature started as a request from one of our customers who was able to account for the whereabouts of all …

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App Location Settings Report

This report shows a list of workers and the current location settings in their app. How to View the Report Click Reports under the Reports & Logs On the Reports home page there are two columns for Worker Reports and …

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New Map Styles Available

Following request from some of our customers we have added two new map views to the shift and location maps. On either the locations or shift view you can now choose the map style you would like.

Feature Management

Your Ok Alone Features Ok Alone has many features that are available to users. Some of these features can add complexity to the dashboard and may not be needed for all teams. When a new account is set up on …

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Scheduled Delivery of Reports

get reports via excel

For those who need Worker Reports regularly delivered, an exported spreadsheet can be scheduled to be sent to a monitor or multiple monitors.

New Ok Alone Dashboard

new ok alone dashboard

The Ok Alone Dashboard has received a refreshed interface and new features. Try the beta out today.

Out of Hours Alerts

Out of Hours Alerts service lets you choose the monitors that should be alerted if the alert occurs out of normal business hours.

Introducing Alert Loops

Automatically alert you monitors in sequence. Ok Alone qill keep contacting them until a monitor accepts responsibilityfor the alert.

Introducing Safety Award Certificates and Report Cards

Here at Ok Alone, we have made some improvements to the Safety Awards program introducing Report Cards and Certificates. Report Cards Report Cards are a visual way for workers to see their achievements from each month and be inspired to do better.  …

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Windows/Web App for Workers

There is now a desktop version of Ok Alone available. Perfect for desk based lone workers who need lone worker protection.